Give Today

Right now, children are growing up in a deadly pandemic – their lives and futures on the line. But through the dedicated support of donors like you, Mehryar is on the front lines, doing whatever it takes to protect children and infants. Your charity donation to kids and infants in need helps create positive change that is desperately needed right now. You can make a secure donation via PayPal, thanks for your help!

Give Your Time

If you want to support high-impact projects, please contact us! We’d love to work with you! Our volunteers are a valuable addition to our team and help us improve as an organization. We are planning to have volunteers working on communications, fundraising, administration, IT and more.

Beneficiary Designation

You can designate a beneficiary for your current assets. Assets such as life insurance policies, IRAs, retirement plans, pensions, and bank accounts are distributed based on a beneficiary designation form, not your will. They are transferred directly to your named beneficiaries. If you wish to name Mehryar Limited as a beneficiary of any of these assets, contact your life insurance provider, retirement plan administrator, and/or bank or financial institution to complete the appropriate beneficiary designation forms which are payable on death (POD). You must include the legal name of the charity, its address and tax identification number for beneficiary forms.

Change Lives

Mehryar is committed to improve the lives of children and infants and their family through economic self-sufficiency. With a diversified mix of action and funding including, free education, medical, food, and clothing. Most importantly, we instill in children a sense of self-worth and empower them to determine their own futures.
